
You are about to enter the erotic and sexual issues page, read the following instructions carefully:

By pressing the "enter" button I confirm that:

  • you are  over 18 years old and you have reached the age of majority.
  •  If you are located in another country where the age of majority is set differently from the Czech Republic, you confirm that you meet all the conditions of majority in the state and that the entry to these pages is not restricted or prohibited by the law of the state in which you are or you are a national
  • you agree that you are only allowed to use sexually oriented material for private use only for your personal use. Sexually oriented materials do not infuriate you, do not threaten or otherwise endanger you and  you enter the site voluntarily.
  • you will not directly or indirectly, give access to the materials obtained on this site to persons under the age of 18 or to other persons who do not fulfill the conditions in this statement.



We want to make your shopping even more enjoyable and therefore we have newly prepared a bonus in the form of a points system where you get one point for each one Crown/Euro you spend in our e-shop.


Collecting points can only do registered customers. By registering at our store you will not only get an overview of your purchases but you will also see how many points you have collected.

In our table below you can find out how much you can choose to rebate in the percentage discount for your next purchase or you can pick up points until they are completed, the possible maximum is 40% discount. You can choose to continue collecting up to 15,000 points then you can participate on products testing on your own skin with our dominatrix.

Bonus system table

  number of pointsDISCOUNT OR BONUS

3.000 - 3.499



3.500 - 3.999



4.000 - 4.499



4.500 - 5.999



6.000 - 7.999



8.000 - 10.000




                                 the possibility of testing products with our Dominatrix


You can collect your points for 6 months. During this time all your purchases will be added until you decide to choose your discount or bonus yourself.